May 9, 2011

Finishing Something (finally!)

It's great to finally be able to say something (anything!) is finished!

Over the last two working days, I managed to use the remaining slates (still have not received the delivery of new ones) to finish the main roof slope (faces east / side of the building). Finishing this side required doing another corner (see the post on slating the first corner) and then cutting the top row of slates along the edge of the flat roof. All of this proved to be rather time consuming as almost every tile had to be individually measured and cut. Again, I had been avoiding doing the corner...but I realized it would not be possible to finish the flat roof without these slates in place. Fortunately I did not run out of slates, but at this point, I think I only have 8 left, so hopefully my order will be delivered tomorrow so I can finish placing all the slates before leaving on Wednesday...

May 7th - Saturday morning. Another dreaded corner awaits
The first row finished, and starting the second
Halfway up
Saturday work hours stop at 2pm - so stopping here
Monday May 9th - a few more rows
The last few rows
The top row - each slate had to be individually measured, cut and drilled.
The last slate on the top row
The finished corner!
Montage of finished side