June 18, 2011

Finishing the Roof Slates: small area, huge milestone!

Immediately after finishing the Dark Side, I walked to the back of the roof and got started on the only remaining area that needed slates - the little corner at the edge of the new dormer. This area is very small, but has an angled corner on one side and a small section of vertical wall on the other - which meant that it would be a huge pain in the neck.

And sure enough, it was. Besides the time-consuming angled cuts, the weather decided to be difficult once again. It kept raining on and off all day, so I'd get a little done, then have to move inside...this made the work go really, really slowly. I also had to keep going down to check on the plumbers, so I was only able to finish the roof portion, but not the wall. The wall only got done the next day.

But with that, we reached a major milestone - the slates are completely finished! The end of the roof work is in sight...
June 16 - before starting work
The first few battens in place
June 17 - installing the battens
The first slates installed
Starting the 2nd row - the vertical slate was used to locate the starting position (edge) of the roof
It was raining on and off, but managed to get a few rows up.
June 18th - Finished the roof slates, starting on the vertical wall
It's not many slates, but time consuming due to the cuts and hanging everything vertically
Almost every piece has to be custom cut.
3:30pm - Finished! Tired, but happy and relieved!