June 16, 2011

Our first "house"guest !

André arrived back in London last week, but this time, he brought with him a special visitor - his mum. Very improbably, she stayed with us for three nights on the construction site that we call home, so we can actually say that we have hosted our first visitor !

It was definitely a bit of a stretch in the sense that this place is not even really properly set up for us - never mind for a guest. In such circumstances, there was, sadly, only a limited amount we could do to try and make our visitor comfortable. But André's mum is an absolute master of resourcefulness, and in fact her myriad little touches went much further towards making the site feel a little cosier (is "cosy construction site" an oxymoron?!?) than anything we had bothered to do. A bright tablecloth for the improvised "table" in the living room (in reality, the table a long piece of plywood) and fresh flowers made more of a difference than I ever would have guessed! Full marks to her for creativity--not to mention for taking the air mattress and the lack of amenities in her stride.