November 23, 2010


It's now definite: we have officially been left in the lurch in a very serious way.

André timed his trip here this time around the tentative dates that G.C. had given him. But there's no sign of G.C., and, as usual, we can't get hold of him at all. He's not responding to phone calls or emails...I don't think we can give him the benefit of doubt any more.

I can't imagine what would prompt a person to treat other people this way - I mean, if you're not going to follow through on something you said you'd do, fine...things come up, after all - but at least have the decency to TELL the person, please!?!

Anyway, no point in dwelling on how or why we're in this predicament, because the predicament is pretty bad, so we better focus on getting out of it. In short: we're going to have to figure out how to get this flat built, from scratch, entirely on our own. We're going to have to source all the materials and labour ourselves - and somehow figure out how to pay for it all, thanks to this unexpected turn of events.