April 13, 2011

Downwards and Deflated!

It's a conspiracy ! I swear, every time André goes back to New York, there's a minor drama here. Today, he actually caused the drama, sadly. The plumbers were supposed to install the toilet on Monday, but they didn't start the work until Tuesday--so there was a de facto deadline to finish at 3pm, which is when André had to leave for the airport to catch his flight.

The whole toilet installation was massively disruptive--we had to take EVERYTHING out of "The Box" so that the floorboards could be pulled up. This included our precious air mattress, which we hoisted up the ladder for safe keeping in the loft space.

However, by the time the plumbers had finished André was (surprise, surprise) running late and in a huge hurry... and in his haste to get the mattress back down, he accidentally snagged it on a protruding screw, and punctured it. :(

André gave me instructions about finding and using the air mattress repair kit, but I got home after a quick post-work drink to discover that the sole light in the living room had burned out as well ! There was no way I was going to climb the ladder to retrieve the repair kit in the dark, so what followed was one rather uncomfortable night sleeping on a deflated air mattress sitting atop our bedroom "floor" (plywood boards).