February 25, 2012

Bathroom: Closing one door / opening another

Once the tiler finished his work early Saturday afternoon, I was able to begin my work for the day. Today's agenda includes closing up our temporary bathroom door, removing the plywood to open up our new door, and waterproofing the bathroom walls.Although this is a relatively simple work, it's a very big deal for us psychologically as we're officially reconfiguring how we enter the rooms, making the bathroom en-suite (accessed through the bedroom). We had agreed with our tiler when he started work that we would leave this step as late as possible so as to minimize traffic (of people and construction materials!) through the "bedroom".

I started by removing one of the plywood panels lining the "bedroom" (in truth, it's still really "the Box") and attached hinges to it, making it a temporary door between the bedroom and bathroom before the actual finished door replaces it.

Afternoon of Feb 25th - removing a plywood panel where the new door will go
With the plywood rehung as a door, you can now see straight through the bathroom - here we're looking in through the new door, and out through the old opening that's on the living room side
Once the door was up, I began to cut plywood to fill in the opening that up to now had been our access to the bathroom. It was amazing how this relatively small change completely transformed the bathroom - it started to feel like a real room!
Starting to close up the opening
One last look between the rooms...
The opening fully closed!
After the opening was covered, I began the waterproofing - the plan is to waterproof the lower half of the wall, up to and including the ledge. As with the shower, the first layer is a primer, followed by a the paintable rubberized membrane.
Starting to waterproof the bathroom walls
Yours truly painting on the rubberized membrane waterproofing
Once the membrane was completed, it starting to look more and more like a bathroom: the shower is mostly tiled, the blue-grey coating is on the walls...we're getting there..!

End of the day...getting there!