September 15, 2010

Waiting and Worrying

I'm starting to get nervous now. G.C., who is going to be leading the charge on all the construction work, told us last month that he would do the demolition work in September. But now we're halfway through September and there's no sign of him! André keeps trying to reach to him to get some exact dates from him, but he's suddenly become impossible to reach...

I guess I should explain. G.C. is a contractor/construction manager who André knows in NYC. When he heard that we were thinking of buying this flat, he volunteered to help us with the work. I was more than a little sceptical, but I guess the idea is that he's keen to do some more work in Europe. I was amazed that he actually came over to London - at his own expense - back in June, before we completed the purchase, to give the place a look over and give us a professional opinion about how much actual work would be required.

Anyway, I guess I'll hold off giving my two months' notice on the current rental flat until we have more of an idea what's going on with this guy...