January 4, 2011

Dormer Construction: Planking

With the structural work on the dormer completed, we can now start installing the planks that become the substrate for the roofing and the visible finish from the inside. What exciting about starting the planks is that these are the first "finish" materials being installed.

These planks are basically stained wood - it's a tongue and groove board similar to flooring. They will be nailed into each of the rafters - very much like the traditional way of doing it.Above the planks will go the insulation and various waterproof membranes.

Dec 31st - After removing the tiles and cleaning the old rafters, the 1st plank

Part of the way up
Jan 4th - The first few planks on the dormer
View from below
Halfway across
Partially planked - view from the inside
Almost there
The final view planks - view from above