January 12, 2011

Roof Construction: Open Heart Surgery - Day 4

If all goes well this will be the last day of our open heart surgery on the roof. It better be - I have a flight at 8:10pm back to NYC - but if there's a major problem I can't leave with the roof half open.

Because we ran into trouble last night aligning the rafters on the side roof slope, we have to start the day with re-aligning them. The plan is to use a string line and a long, straight 2x4 to make sure they are properly aligned (wish we had done that last night!). Once that's done, our day laborers will start installing planks while Jimmy and I move onto attaching the rafters (hopefully straight) on the front roof slope. If all goes well we will have all the rafters re-attached and aligned and all the planks installed before i leave for the airport...

Re-aligning the rafters on the side roof slope
Rafters attached to the steel reinforced hip beam
Starting to attach the wood planks on the side roof slope
Montage of open roof from the living room
Re-fastening the first few rafters on the front roof slope
New planks on the side roof slope (left) - re-attached rafters on the front roof slope (right)
Loose rafters on the front roof slope
Rafter ends - they hook over a 3"x3" horizontal wood stud called a wall plate
Planks halfway up the side roof slope
Attaching the final rafters
Rafters finished - planks almost done on one side...
I had to run to the airport without getting exactly to the point that i wanted - but we were close enough that it was OK. The rafters are completely finished, and the guys were finishing the planks on the side roof slope as I was leaving. They will continue with the planking tomorrow and Friday until it's done - everything will then have to wait a few weeks until I get back from NYC...