January 7, 2011

Lost in London

Well, not lost, exactly, but sort of homeless! I guess you could say we officially missed our deadline. Today we finished moving the last of the boxes into the new place, and I gave back the keys to our old rental flat--but the new place isn’t livable yet!

The whole thing is still a messy construction site, and, more importantly, the roof is still open!! It looks like “home”, for the next few days (hopefully no longer than that) is going to be the A., a hotel around the corner from our flat. Well, it’s called a hotel, but in reality it’s actually a cross between a hostel and a B&B. It’s fine--at this point, we’re just grateful to have found something that’s clean (if not all that comfortable), conveniently located and doesn’t break the bank!

The flat on moving day
Montage of the interior of the flat (living room) with the bridge and no roof.