February 25, 2012

Tiling: The Shower (Days 4-6)

So over the next three days Sean (our tiler) plugged away at the shower - like everything else on this project, it has ended up taking him longer than expected! 

Looking at the work involved, though, and the level of precision required, I can see why it's taking so long. I'm also glad that in the end, we decided to get a professional in to do this! I have to admit, I'm extremely impressed with his work...and can't even imagine how much longer it would be taking if I were doing it.

Over these three days, Sean tackled some of the trickiest parts of the job: the niche, the arch and the floor. My only concern now is time, since I'll be heading back to NYC on Monday and I'd prefer if he was finished before I leave.
Morning of Feb 23rd
Tiling the arch, using posts to hold the tiles in place while the adhesive dries
Beginning the slate on the rear wall
End of the day
Feb 24th - by mid-morning Sean finished the rear wall. One can now see the "wrapping" effect of the slate...
The shower floor - had a long discussion on the spacing and location of cuts...
End of the day - montage of the shower...it's almost finished!
Late morning on Feb 25th - starting on the shower's final row (between the floor and 2nd course)
By the end of the day (Saturdays are 1/2 days), most of the course is completed