February 3, 2012


One of the themes of this project has been that the best-laid plans don't always work out - and right now I'm feeling that acutely, but on a smaller scale.

I was really excited after we took the decision to focus more aggressively on finishing the construction. We immediately made a short-term plan: I would return to London on January 9th, and Andre would follow within a couple of weeks, so that by late January or early February we could get another big chunk of work done. Psychologically as well as practically, I'm really ready to see some more progress, since the last major milestone we hit was more than three months ago, when we got the heat working. Andre was here for two weeks in December, and he did a lot of work as usual, but it was mostly design, planning and prep work - obviously very necessary, but it didn't yield too many satisfyingly tangible results!

In terms of next steps, what we're working on now is getting the bathroom finished and tiled. We'll post about the build-out Andre did in December in a couple of days...

...But in the meantime, here we are in early February, and I'm still here on my own, and we haven't yet started our "Big Push". Happily, it's for a great reason: Andre's business has really picked up, and he's been manically busy in New York and unable to come here. Obvioulsy that's a very good thing, but here in London... well, they say that patience is a virtue.