January 4, 2012

The Big Push

Happy New Year, readers!!

You may have noticed there's been no activity on this blog for the past few weeks. That's because since mid-December both Andre and I have been in New York, enjoying (like many others) the festive season, and (maybe just us?!) going home every night to a comfortable and furnished apartment rather than a construction site!

Of course, that doesn't mean that our London project is not on our minds. In fact, in the course of our many discussions about how 2012, we've openly acknowledged that the state of affairs is getting a little tiring. So we've decided that 2012 is going to be the year of the Big Push.

Last year there was really only so much we could do in terms of the construction. As 2011 began, we were still just trying to make the place habitable, notably by putting a roof on it. Financial constraints limited how much we could do, and how quickly we could do it, and partly dictated the decision to do the bulk of the building ourselves. Last year the whole project was still so overwhelming that looking at the big picture was absolutely impossible.

But now that most of the heavy construction is finished, we can just about start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. So we've decided that we need to more aggressive in terms of our time frame this year, and really focus our attention and resources on getting this done! To that end, we took one of our biggest decisions yet: we've even decided to postpone our wedding, tentatively scheduled for this summer, so that we put all our energy (well ,outside of our jobs, obviously) into finishing this flat...